Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The wyverns attack

"Faster", shouted the Captain at Max, who was tired, starved and dehydrated. "You are a courageous, healthy, strong and agile man. Make use of that. Forward march!"

The small group had been travelling from Rome for two weeks. They were nearly at a settlement to the north named Manarola. The were going to help the little settlement defend against the wyverns, which troubled the villagers of every settlement in the area of the mountains of Roar.

Now Max could see some stone buildings and what looked like a breakwater covered in moss. Then the captain called the order to move faster.

It was nearly dusk now and they needed to get to Manarola quickly before the wyverns came.

The wyverns were like huge dragons, which were dull brown, and were carnivores. They were very sleek with spikes on their wings. Already the shadows of the surrounding hills were beginning to loom.

Then there was the suffocated cry of a wyvern and now Max could see bright scarlet fire on one of the buildings. He could see more wyverns coming.

The Captain shouted, "guns ready!". Giovanni shot leaving a whirl of smoke disappearing into the wind. A wyvern fell from the already choatic sky. The group ran shooting, not caring if what they were hurting was friend or foe. When they got there, they joined the circle of defenders and helped them.

They had finally reached their destination.

1 comment:

  1. Very dramatic and descriptive! Good job, Declan. Liana, Aidan and Charlotte read this together. We can imagine the wyverns flying over the old stone buildings.
