Sunday, February 13, 2011


Cortes invaded Mexico at 1521 AD. He wanted gold and he also wanted the king. So at 1519 he set out for Mexico and stole some ships from Cuba. When he got there the governor at Cuba sent out a force to arrest him. The force contained one thousand conquistadors, but when they got there they were bribed by Cortes and they joined him. He pretended that he wanted to make allies but he actually killed them all! One the way he killed the leader of the Cuban army and as an amazing feat he and 10,000 men carried timber to build ships.

When he got there he built the ships and killed the men in the Mexican canoes, but what happened afterwards was that the total force of the aztecs hit them and killed alot of men but some of the Aztecs survived and about a week later the force of Cortese's army got hit by rocks and stones. Cortese's army withdrew and later conquered the city and leaving some other cities remaining he returned to Spain where he was greeted with a heroes welcome by a grateful king. But there are still no public statues of him!

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