Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The river poem

The river is wide and deep.
Through the countryside it does seep.

On the sides are plants and trees.
And in the river you will find reeds.

The river does flow.
But it does so very slow.

The river is a colour of murky brown.
Reflecting the image of the town.

The water does sooth.
And it looks very smooth.

The fish like to hide under a mat of flower.
There they also like to cower.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Troglodyte caves

The dordogne troglodyte caves are a magnificent sight, with a lookout tower at the front in control of the drawbridge, where the defenders would throw rocks wood and other projectiles.

When you entered the actual place, there was a wooden frame of a house which was about one meter in width and five meters in length.

Then we entered a cave with twelve rings which used to be used for a cow shed. The cave was a semicircle cut into the rock.

But I think the most interesting part was the defenses and cranes. First the cranes, the first crane worked in the exact same principle as a lift, lifting one barrel up as the weight and one barrel down as the counterweight.

The second crane was a human hamster wheel running in a certain way to pull things either up or down.

The defenses were made up of a huge crossbow, five cannons and one trebuchet. To operate a cannon you simply put the cannonball in, plug your ears and light the fuse. When operating a trebuchet you load it, get four people to pull on the on the back and you will have some rocks flying.

I wonder how you could penetrate the defenses, oh maybe ring the doorbell.


Troglodyte caves

The dordogne troglodyte caves are a magnificent sight. With a lookout tower at the front in control of the drawbridge where the defenders would rocks wood and other projectiles.

When you entered the actual place there was a wooden of a house which was about one meter in width and five netted in length.

Then we entered a cave with twelve rings which used to be used for a cow shed. The cave was a semicircle cut into the rock.

But I think the most interesting part was the defenses and cranes. First the cranes, the first crane worked in the exact same principal as a lift, lifting one barrel up as the weight and one barrel down as the counterweight.

The second crane was a human hamster wheel running in a certain way to pull things either up or down.

The defenses were made up of a huge crossbow, five cannons and one trebuchet. To operate a cannon you simply put the cannonball in plug your ears and light the fuse.when operating a trebuchet you load it get four people to pull on the on the back and you will have some rocks flying.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pedal powered people push past park plants

I went pedal carting two days ago and it was really fun. It was basically a car that you were pedaling along and having fun nearly crashing into each other. It was a special treat for me doing my exam.I loved even the idea and had a problem with me banging my knees.

The golden acorn

The golden acorn is a really good book it has magic dragons and made up creatures.