Monday, May 30, 2011

The Riddling Monk

"What? The dragon eggs have been stolen!" shouted Tugawuka.

"But by whom. That is the question." said Wellington (who was influenced by Shakespeare).

"I know." suggested Cleopatra. "We can ask Osiris."

"Osiris is just a fictional god." said Napoleon.

"The only real god is Jesus Christ!" shouted Cortez.

"God doesn't exist." argued Leonardo da Vinci.

"Quiet. I didn't take you into the future for you to argue like teenagers." scolded Einstein. Tugawuka put up a hand. "Yes, Tugawuka?" asked Einstein.

"I have heard about an ancient Japanese legend." (At this, Einstein snorted in laughter) "of the riddling monk, who gives a riddle that leads to the answer to the question you ask."

"To the airships!" shouted Leonardo.

"Yes. To the airships." agreed Einstein.

After three long weeks of arguing about Gods, everyone was relieved to see the riddling monk pop his head out of the bushes and say, "catastrophe, Orleans, rightful, tiny, earring snake."

"The dragon eggs," began Cleopatra, but the riddling monk cut her off.

"Told you," he sang. It was getting dark.

Finally, Einstein burst out with the words, "I've got it, it's an acrostic! Cortes, hand them over." Cortes looked side to side, shivered, and then ran into the darkness.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Impressionist waterfall

I made this painting of a waterfall when I was traveling to Madrid on train using brushes. Funny I didn't think of myself as the painter.

Location:Artist Declan

Friday, May 20, 2011

Accident in the canoe

Yesterday I went canoeing on the river Orbe and had an accident. Jennifer and I went down a foaming white rapid which had a big, flat rock down the end.
Evan and Callum just zipped by, but no we had to be the unlucky ones who hit the rock full on, tumbled out of the canoe while it peacefully floated away.
Evan and Callum caught the canoe and pulled them both on to dry land. I panicked and Jennifer swam me back to shore.
After that incident you could find me very nervous before each rapid.

In the next rapid Evan and Callum were really, really stuck. They had managed to get themselves in to a position where the front of the canoe was wedged in a triangle of rocks same for the back. The canoe was also leaning. Eventually they managed to get themselves out of the position and keep canoeing.

The gorge that we were in was a beautiful green with mountains and hills covered in forest and fabulous stone beaches that were perfect for lunch (and a bite of chocolate). There was even the rare fish that could be from the length of a finger to the length of a tire.

Location:Orbe river

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It is my birthday I am having a wonderful time with $70 , a Harry potter quiditch Lego set , a game of killer bunnies , Swiss army set , a safari ticket and a wurli worm.